
Showing posts from October, 2019

In New York working on my new album

Cecilia and William Riley I'm starting a new chapter of my life with new music, new style and new opportunities. I can't wait to see what will unfold! I am back in my beloved New York to study for my upcoming album with my amazing voice trainer William Riley, who is also the teacher for Celine Dion, Bradley Cooper and Bill Clinton, amongst many other great voices, so I am in the best of hands. He calmly and gently point out every flaw we try to hide with no success under his watchful eyes as he works hard (!) to make us sound better, so student after student walks out with a smile on their faces and joy in their steps, but some with tears in their eyes, including me, as we realize that we will never get the perfection we dream about. So while we strive to express through our voices what is in our soul, we must learn to enjoy being a “work in progress” that essentially we all are on this journey called life!